Garabandal Pilgrimages 2025
Pilgrimage Photos 2024

Pilgrimage with people from United States, Ireland, Australia, Brasil
General information
Dates: 11th of October to 24rd of October 2025
Itinerary: Lisbon airport - Fátima -Ávila - El Escorial - Garabandal - Lourdes - La Salette - Paray le Monial - Mount S. Michel - Lisieux - Paris ( Shrine of the Miraculous Medal, Notre-Dame) - Paris Tour - Paris airport
Transport: by bus from Lisbon airport to Portugal, Spain and France ending in Paris airport
Available seats: No
Iberian pilgrimage to Garabandal - April 2025
General information
Dates: 1st of April to 8th of April 2025
Itinerary: Lisbon
- Fátima -Santiago de Compostela - Garabandal - Covadonga - Potes - Burgos - Ávila - Alba de Tormes - Lisbon
Transport: by bus from Lisbon airport to Portugal and Spain
Available seats: Yes
Garabandal pilgrimages - Join us !
Our main objective is to make known to all the people who are looking for us, the story of the apparitions of Our Lady of Carmel de Garabandal. For this, we organize one annual pilgrimages every year with people from all different countries.
Whenever possible we organize one pilgrimage by bus with groups of 50 people, but we are also available to organize one pilgrimage with group of at least 8 people. If you are interested in being part of our annual pilgrimage please contact us.
We made direct bus pilgrimage to Garabandal and bus pilgrimage where we included other routes with obligatory passage through Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela etc.
Where do we go?
Garabandal - Fátima - Santarém - Santiago de Compostela - Santo Toríbio de Liebana - Lourdes - Alba de Tormes - Ávila - Zaragoza - Covadonga - Tuy e Pontevedra - Lisboa - Porto - Paris - Rocamadour - Liseaux...
Our Pilgrimages photos ...
You can view all our photos of the pilgrimages we have done since 2008. Just click on the links below to access the complete photos of each pilgrimage.

Pilgrimage 2019
"Participating in the pilgrimage was a unique experience for me! The Mother embraced me, carried me on Her lap and took me through the places of Her Apparitions, where I was able to feel very loved and completely filled with Her Presence."

Alberton( Brasil)
Pilgrimage 2018
It was simply WONDERFUL the opportunity to make this Pilgrimage, together with three dear friends. Beautiful moments of sharing, of strong spirituality, of growth in faith, of new and precious friendships, of feeling the presence and tenderness of Our Lady in her various forms of apparitions. I really want to repeat the experience, taking my husband as well. "

Carla ( United States)
"The pilgrimage to Garabandal was wonderful! Beautiful places with the presence of Our Lady. of Garabandal is a beautiful village where I had the opportunity to get to know Our Lady of Garabandal and become devoted to Her. Excellent organisation, accommodation, food and tours. We don't worry about anything, we just enjoy the trip. I highly recommend this beautiful pilgrimage. "

Elizabeth ( Ireland)
"This pilgrimage was for me another encounter with Jesus. I was already living a life of Christian principles and was tracing my path to holiness and salvation. But God wanted a little more from me. Through his Mother and his love. He showed me, made me see a little more of this mystery of love that involves taking the brother to the encounter with him and thus saving more souls. In Garabandal I had this encounter in Pinos and I want others through me to have it too, so now I am one apostle, a member of this army of Our Lady .. "