Garabandal Apostolate

If you want to be part of our apostolate of Garabandal and help us spread the messages given by Our Lady in Garabandal, please make your user registration . Be an apostle of Garabandal and help us from now on. We need your help. It's important to us. Thank you,
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Our Lady invites us to enter the path of her son, for She, as our Mother of Heaven, cares for us and only wants our good. That is why Our Lady appeared in Garabandal, as well as in other places spread all over the world, in order to guide us and guide us on the right side, with the aim of inviting us to live without sin, since the presence of sin makes us distance ourselves more and more from God and Jesus Christ.
This is certainly not what each of us wants for his life, and for this reason I invite all those who love God to enter the path of prayer, sacrifice and charity, to visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently, for these are the " weapons, "which protect us from all evil and bring our heart closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The messages given by Our Lady in Garabandal are still current in our present time. Let us try to put them into practice.
Send your request for prayers to Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal
Find out what our Garabandal apostolate does ...
Spread the message
Our apostolate has this mission from the first moment in which we make the decision to spread the messages and the history of Garabandal. The dissemination is carried out in several Portuguese-speaking countries, namely in Portugal and Brazil. The dissemination is carried out through the distribution of pamphlets, books, pilgrim's guides and through our website where thousands of people continue daily to contact us.
Our Lady relics to be kiss
At the last apparition of Our Lady in Garabandal, on November 13, 1965, Conchita, one of the seers, brought with her a quantity of thirds and religious objects to give to kiss Our Lady.
Our Lady said on that day that:
"Thanks to these kisses, on these objects, my son will perform true miracles."
You can have access to our register of people "apostles of Garabandal" which contains the true relics and come into direct contact with them. For this you need to register on our website.
Our pilgrimages 2025
Ecclesial permission to spread the Garabandal message
A little bit about our history ...
First meeting of Garabandal in Portugal
In 2009, the Apostolate of Garabandal relatified in Portugal , There were several people involved in the dissemination of Garabandal, Luis San Roman of Spain, Santiago Lanus of Argentina, and many others. This meeting was a great step for the dissemination of the message of Garabandal in our country
Travel to Brazil to promote Garabandal
At the invitation of Marilda , responsible for the apostolate of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit and the apostolate of Garabandal in Brazil, the apostolate of Garabandal in Portuguese and the apostolate of Garabandal in Argentina followed a trip to Brazil with the aim of making history and the messages of Our Lady of the Carmel of Garabandal. Those were unforgettable moments. We traveled with the authorization of the local bishop, several parishes from various states of Brazil where we were able to present the work of disseminating the messages and the history of the apparitions of Garabandal.
How everything started..
I knew the apparitions of Garabandal when I was 16 years old through a book that I was offered. I remember perfectly that when I finished reading it, I was very impressed with its content and I can tell you with sincerity that I believed in the first moment in this story. However, it was only 16 years later, on 13 October 2007, that I felt again a call to Garabandal. Then, after a few months, I went to this special place for the first time. What transformations or changes Garabandal provoked in my life? Many, beginning with the Eucharist, for which I began to gain more respect and fidelity, not to mention other aspects of personal transformation that have helped me in my journey of personal conversion.When I returned to Portugal from my first trip to Garabandal, I felt an urgent need to make known this beautiful and wonderful story to more people. This is how the Garabandal apostolate in Portuguese was born. Therefore, in my life story there is a line that separates, the one before the after Garabandal. So I want and feel the need to combat the current tendency of religious relativism in the society in which we live, bearing witness to the one in whom I believe - Jesus Christ - so that the world may have more Faith and Hope in Him.
Knowing that we live in a world in constant change, in a world where indifference, lack of values, characterize our society, we need this way, to make our voice known, to be witnesses to the path that leads to true happiness , Faith, Hope and Charity, and we can tell all those who still have this hope, that God exists and that Jesus Christ is the true way of life. Our Lady, our Mother, invites us to enter the path of her child, because she, as our Mother of Heaven, cares for us and only wants our good. Therefore, Our Lady appeared in Garabandal in order to guide us and guide us on the right path, with the purpose of inviting us to live without sin, because the presence of sin distances us from God and from Jesus Christ.
In my private experience, I can tell you that Garabandal helped me very much to understand what it is to be a true Christian, he taught me to understand better and better the true meaning of the Eucharist, the source of all life. For this reason, I invite you also to join in the journey of prayer, sacrifice and charity, to visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently, living in a profound way the Eucharist and all the sacraments of the Church, for these are the "arms" that protect us from evil and bring us closer to God, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Let us try and strive to put into practice all the.
Let us try and strive to put into practice all the teachings and messages left by Our Lady in Garabandal. May we be in this way each of us, true evangelizers of Christ in our times.
Presence in the celebrations of the 50 years of the events of Garabandal
The apostolate of Garabandal was present in Garabandal at the commemorations of the events that took place in Garabandal in 2011. These were moments of great joy, because we had the opportunity to meet with many people linked to the spread of Garabandal's history.
Lauch of the new book in Garabandal
On May 9, 2014, at 9:00 p.m., the Garabandal apostolate in Portuguese presented its new book in Portuguese on the history and events of Garabandal. The name of the book is entitled "Garabandal, an urgent call to conversion". During this presentation the focus was primarily on the basis of the conversion testimonial. We had the joy of having with us, Mr. David, an important witness of the events of Garabandal. We also had the participation of the public, and of people in particular who gave their personal testimony of conversion, thanks to the story of Garabandal. More importantly, it was the presence of several Catholic people and priests from various parts of the world, Australia, Brazil and Poland. All this was possible thanks to the unconditional support of Father Rolando, parish priest of Garabandal. Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, Mother of Heaven, thanks to you and to your son that all this was possible. Thank you Espirito Santo, source of life and grace, for always orienting us on this path of conversion and faith. Fraternal Embrace, Apostolate of Garabandal in Portuguese