Miracle, Miracle, Miracle !!!
Father Andreu saw the future Miracle
Father Andreu was born in Bilbao in 1925. He entered a Jesuit school in 1942, studied in Rome and Paris. Four of his six brothers were Fathers.
This priest and his brother played a key role in the events of Garabandal. They first visited Garabandal at the end of July 1961. Father Andreu together with Padre Pio were the only people besides the seers to contemplate Our Lady and the only ones who had the vision of the future Miracle of Garabandal that will take place one day in this small village of Cantabria ..

Father Luís Andreu, showing interest in these events, decided to follow them there. Soon after, and without waiting, Father Luís had the vision of Our Lady and the future Miracle of Garabandal. The priest shouted at this moment the words: "Miracle, Miracle, Miracle ...".
It was already dawn that this priest full of happiness, began his journey back home with some friends. This article recounts the details of this return journey that culminated in the unexpected death of Father Luís Andreu.
Details on the death of Father Luís Andreu

It was very natural that when leaving the Church, all those who witnessed the events of that afternoon and evening, left some comments among them ... In a certain circle of people, Father Royo Marín said: "I am not infallible, but an expert in these (A few years earlier I had published an extensive and well-documented "Theology of Christian Perfection," which was very successful in the Spanish-speaking countries.), and it seems to me that the visions of the girls are true.I had the opportunity to appreciate four signs in favor, that leave no room for doubt. "
Then Dom Rafael Fontaneda approached him and said:
"Father, if this is so serious, why do not you stay here for a few days so that you can study the subject better?" To which he replied "Now it is impossible for me to stay, but I must say that" this "is so clear, that there is no room for doubt."
And bear in mind that initially Father Royo Marin had raised Garabandal too skeptically. It was already quite late when the people who were driving in the caravan with Alba de Aguilar de Campo began the descent from Garabandal: some were on foot, others in the jeep. Father Luís Maria Andreu was one of the people who decided to go in such a vehicle as we indicated earlier; during the journey, everyone could see that he was enveloped by a very great joy ... and he manifested this in a thousand ways, while at the same time declaring his absolute certainty about the truthfulness of all that the sighted girls said. In the nearby village of Garabandal, Cosio, we had to wait for the remaining elements who had meanwhile come on foot from Garabandal. Father Luis did not leave the Jeep; he was almost asleep when Don Valentin Marichalar, the parish priest, arrived, and then Father Luís, with a normal lucidity and serious tone, said to him:
Don Valentín: What the girls say is true; but do not speak of this that I have told you now ... The Church has to use all prudence in these matters. "
That same night, before bed, D. Valentim carefully wrote down all the conversation he had with Father Luis at that farewell hour.
The trip back home ...

For the return to Aguilar from the Cosío, a route different from the one that had been used in the longest, but easiest, trip was chosen: the route of Torrelavega - Reinosa. We have for confirmation of this journey, the account of D. Rafael Fontaneda:
"In the Cosio all the presents were distributed by the diverse vehicles that formed the expedition; Regarding Father Luis, they asked to be in my brother's car, but he preferred to go with me, since he had already made the trip with me. It took place in the front seat, next to the driver, Jose Salceda; in the back of the vehicle were my wife Carmen, my daughter Mari Carmen (age eight) and myself. Along the way back we were going to comment on everything we had seen that day ... Father Luis told us that he had exchanged impressions with Father Royo Marin, and that they were both in agreement with the events of Garabandal. Both my wife and myself, and even Jose Salceda, were impressed by the deep and intense joy of Father Luis, as well as his confidence. He spoke without haste, and repeated these sentences many times:
"How glad I am! ... What a gift Our Lady gave me! ... I can not have the slightest doubt about the truth of what happened to the girls ..."
"In Torrelavega we reached the "jeep" that had taken us from the Cosío to Garabandal; was standing with people from Aguilar de Campo. Our driver approached to see if they needed help. He and Father Luis were talking for a few minutes with these passengers. As we resumed our journey, I said to Father Luis, "Father, why do not you sleep a little?" He accepted the suggestion, and was thus asleep for almost an hour, until shortly before arriving at Reinosa (Important industrial settlement located southwest of Santander, in the Cantabrian mountain range, above Reinosa, to the northwest, the Ebro is born, and a little below it, to the east, its waters gather and accumulate in the reservoir with its name.From it can be seen Retortillo, where they appeared the ruins of that one that was Roman capital Julióbriga. road and the railroad that lead from Santander to Madrid, via Palencia.). Then Father Luis woke up and said, "What a deep dream I had! I find myself in great shape, I'm not even tired."
Everyone else was very sleepy, for it was already four in the morning. Meanwhile we stopped at a fountain to drink and refresh ourselves a little. Father Luis later asked the driver if he had also drunk, and Jose Salceda told him that he had given water to his eyes, which were the ones most in need ... We can complete these scenes with some details:
Around this fountain in the vicinity of Reinosa, all the cars that made up the caravan stopped, and all the passengers went out to stretch their legs and to refresh themselves, except Father Luis Andreu who remained in his place in the car, with only the door is open. Around him were gradually grouping together almost all the elements of that trip and began to ask him questions ...
After a while, the journey began; Padre Luis's car was going last. As he entered the streets of the town completely deserted at that hour, Father Luis began to say these important things that Mr. Fontaneda passed on to us, and which were the last words and exclamations of that true son of St. Ignatius.
I feel truly full of joy and happiness. What gift did Our Lady give me! How lucky we are to have such a Mother in heaven! ... We should not have any fear of the supernatural life ... We must learn to treat the Virgin as the girls do! They gave us this example! I can not have the slightest doubt about the truth of his visions ... Why has the Blessed Virgin chosen us? ... TODAY IS THE MOST HAPPY DAY OF MY LIFE. "
The death of Father Luís Andreu

Foto com a mãe do Padre Luís Andreu, que após a morte do seu filho decidiu entrar para um convento, uma vez já ser viúva nessa altura.
Alguns vídeos sobre o Padre Andreu
Died of happiness
If Father Luís Maria Andreu did not die of illness, once any health problem was unknown, then that he died?
Let us listen again to Mr. Fontaneda: "Whenever I spoke with my wife about this event, which was so strikingly impressive for all of us, we felt an unmistakable peace and serenity." We only found an answer to the question. Of what did Father Luis die? He died of happiness! Notwithstanding the fact that he had passed through a fraction of a second from a more complete normality to a state of corpse, a smile came over his lips. When I returned to Garabandal, I could hear the girls talking about Father Luis, and I listened. some of his ecstatic dialogues in which he spoke about him or him. All the events of that painful dawn of August 9 in Reinosa had a special meaning for me, in which the Providence of God and the Love of Mary played a very important role.
"This is the happiest day of my life, "Father Luis told me. I was going to ask him about the meaning of that phrase, since I imagined that for a priest the happiest day was that of priestly ordination or the first mass , but it did not give him time to ask.How could his words be as an announcement of his entrance into eternal happiness? It was all clear when we heard Father Royo: "Truly, the happiest day of my life is the one in which it arrives into the arms of God. "
And that day went to Father Luís Maria Andreu that day, August 9, 1961, at 4:20 p.m., when he was returning from San Sebastião de Garabandal. After all this, we can better understand the case of Garabandal's first death: Father Luis could not stand the truth and the joy of everything he had seen. With all the certainty that Father Luis, leaving his forces by divine disposition, could not more than a few hours with the truth and with the joy of Garabandal ... died like "martyr", because it gave its unequivocal "testimony "with the surrender of his life (" Martyr "is a word of Greek origin, which means testimony.The early Church used it to designate who gave public testimony of Christ, or all those who confessed their faith before all, sacrificing his life.). It is also interesting to note that in Reinosa, the city where Father Luis died, there is the Church dedicated to Saint Sebastian, just as in Garabandal. As is well known, St. Sebastian was one of the first martyrs in the history of Christianity.
You just spoke with this last sentence. So I asked him something, but because he did not give me any answer, I said, "Father, are you all right?" He answered, "No, nothing, sleep." And he inclined his head, at the same time making a slight noise. Our driver José Salceda turned his head to Father Luis, and when he looked into his eyes, he exclaimed: "Father is very ill!" My wife quickly grabbed the back of her neck to check her wrist and shouted, "Stop, stop, because he does not have a pulse. We have a clinic here: we have to take him right away." I thought it was just dizziness and when I stopped the car, I started to open the door as I said, "Do not worry, Father, it's nothing, you'll see that it will pass with a little air." But my wife insisted, "We have to get him to the clinic immediately," and I said, "Do not talk nonsense." We took Father Luis to the clinic, which was a few meters from us, the nurse who opened the door, told us immediately that he was dead. I replied with my wife that it could not be ... and that I had to do something. The nurse gave him an injection, meanwhile Jose Salceda ran to call a doctor and a priest. The doctor (his name, Vicente González and the name of the establishment where Father Luis was taken was called "Montesclaros Clinic" (undoubtedly in honor of the Virgin of Montesclaros, who has his sanctuary in a place not far away of Reinosa, and who is greatly revered by the whole region.) He arrived ten minutes later, and could only see that he was already dead, and immediately the parish priest arrived and administered the Holy Anointing.
After the first moments of total nervousness and disconcert, we began to think better: I called his brother Father Ramon, who was in Valladolid, giving spiritual exercises to a community of nuns; I also communicated with Aguilar de Campo, and hours later my brothers and brother-in-law arrived. Fortunately Padre Royo Marin also came to Reinosa, who accompanied us and consoled us. (Father Royo Marin, though Levantino, had relatives in Reinosa, and this explains his stop there, for he surely ignored the unexpected death of Father Luis.) In the middle of the morning Father Ramón Andreu arrived. "
We can imagine the impression of Father Ramon when he met the corpse of that younger brother, thirty-six years old ... How to expect such a thing? He had never seen him sick, nor had he ever heard that he had a heart problem (he only knew of his allergy to hay and forced himself to take certain medicines during spring time) and had good reason to believe that he was full of vitality, because in Oña he played sports frequently, and in the days of vacations he went out with other companions to walk in the mountains. But these were the designs of God
Father Ramon, who had received the phone call at Valladolid around 06:15 AM, arrived at Reinosa at eleven that morning. After fulfilling mercifully with his brother, he went to collect the few belongings of his brother; among them, a small notebook that Father Luis carried in his pocket; the notebook number 3, where he had pointed out very briefly all the incidences related to the previous day in Garabandal. Then he was able to speak a little with Father Royo Marín, and from his lips he gathered these affirmations:
"This from Garabandal I have no doubt, the least that can be done is to take all this seriously." The ecstatic march was very clear to me: it was light and so fast that we could not follow the girls; where they were going, and they did not stumble at anything (I only noticed some very slight gliding on the wet grass.) Their eyes were wide open, but those eyes were "dead" for the sensory excitations that affect us all. brother knew a lot, he had to be a good teacher: he analyzed things well, and we agreed on everything "(Padre Royo Marín's opinion about Garabandal was very firm)."
Ten days later, on August 18, at 3:30 p.m., he would call a small group of people who went with him and Father Ramón Andreu to Santander from Castro Urdiales (Santander Village) to the next:
"I am very sick, with a fever of forty, but with much pity I can not go with you, but you go to the Bishop and say from my part without any reservation that that of San Sebastian de Garabandal is certainly supernatural. and if he does not want to go, we will take him as it is ... There is an urgent duty to accept all that God does with sufficient clarity. "
He said, "I could not go back to Garabandal, so I have no opinion about what happened after my last visit, but when I was there, I had no doubts that they were true."
The presence of Father Luis in Garabandal ...
"Today is the happiest day of my life ..."
It seemed like it was all over, that Father Andreu's story had ended at that moment, but that was not what happened .... Let's now listen to Father Ramón's notes on this point: "After Father Luis's funeral in Oña, and after accompanying my mother (a resident of Bilbao) for a few days, I went to Garabandal on the 14th of August of that year. When they entered the village, they came to greet me, the four girls, because they had seen me climb I have been told that when they were informed that Father Luis had died, they were sad ... (Conchita refers to this in her diary, pages 45-46:
"When we were sweeping, Jacinta's mother came very frightened, and she told us:" Father Luis Maria Andreu died! "And we did not want to believe because we had seen him in the house. and with all this, we left the church in the midst of this task, and we learned more about it.When they were about to die, their last words were: "Today is the happiest day of my life ... What a good mother we have in heaven! And died."
The girls also told me that Our Lady told them about my brother's death, and that they then asked him where he was and Our Lady replied with a smile; and that they said to him, "Why tell us, if we already know it?" The girls said: "Our Lady smiled!" ...
"A little while later, Loli handed me the Rosary I had received from my brother to kiss the Virgin, and I had lost." Loli said: "Our Lady told me clearly where the Rosary was, and I was able to find he then did nothing more than raise only a few stones. "

Image of Conchita with the brother of Father Luís Andreu, Ramón Andreu.

Years later, Jacinta and her daughter in the company of Father Ramón Andreu.
About brother's death
"It was August 14. I had just buried my brother Luis and had just arrived in Garabandal." A boy from Burgos came up to me and said, "We heard the girls during their ecstasies that said," Oh So, let's talk to Father Luís? "
"That left me totally disappointed. It seemed to me that this was a typical case of self-suggestion: my brother's unexpected death had seriously and strongly impressed the girls' spirit, and there was the result ... At that moment he wanted to leave Garabandal immediately. Indeed, I allowed myself to stay, but I did so only because my fellow travelers did not have the same hurry I had at that moment. What happened then? He went to the place where the girls were in ecstasy, and I listened to their "conversations" with or about Father Luis ... After a few minutes, I did not know what to think. I was truly astonished, for the girls, in repeating the words of their vision, told of my brother's death, about the details of his funeral, with very precise details about the special rituals of a priest's funeral. They even knew that in the case of my brother Father Luis there had been some exceptions to the traditional rules of funeral celebration; for example, had not put the cap on his head, and instead of a chalice a crucifix had been placed between his hands. Even the small ones explained the reason for these same variants.
On this occasion, I listened to them saying that my brother had died without making his profession, as it was true. They also spoke about me and my vows: They knew exactly the date, the place where I had spoken them, and the name of the Jesuit who had made these same vows to me! You must certainly understand my astonishment, my amazement, at all these rigorously exact details, which girls could not know in any way by human conduct ... "
At the first moment of ecstasy on the 14th (Father Ramón Andreu was present on that day, who was with the girls almost all day, and until 3 pm. Also on that day were the people of D. Alberto Martín Artajo (former Minister of And Father Lucio Rodrigo (Jesuit teacher of Comillas), and many people. "(Notes by D. Valentín), and it was around ten o'clock that the following happened:" The girls left in and they went through the streets of the village, sometimes together, sometimes separated, and when they gathered together, they burst with exclamations of joy, and for several hours from ten to twelve, but it was difficult to walk with them everywhere, because they were running very fast ... and yet they never stumbled, not with the many stones that were in the way, and also because the turns that the girls performed for population are constant, in all s directions and all the alleys. It was on these occasions that it was possible to hear the girls talking about my brother: "So, let's hear him speak? ... Oh, good!"
Indeed, the girls sensed the presence of Father Luis in their ecstasies and listened to his voice, maintaining the dialogue with him, but never seeing his figure. Conchita wrote about this in her diary p. 46-47:
After a few days of the death of Father Luis, Our Lady told us that we were going to speak with him. And on August 15, the feast of Our Lady of the Assumption, (on that day there were many excursions, and as these people did some scandals that day), it was the day that Our Lady had informed us that we would talk to Father Luis Maria Andreu ..., and She did not come. "
The situation was repeated that when the public was more numerous and with air of pilgrimage, with drunkenness, music or profane songs, the vision had no place. And the public was disappointed. The first time I noticed this, it was on the 15th of August (1961), the feast of the Assumption, in the afternoon. On that day the whole crowd waited in vain. In the sight of those who behaved as if they had gone to a pilgrimage, listening to profane songs or in a state of drunkenness in which some of them were, several people from the village, sensitive people, told me: "Today there will surely be nothing. and all of us here rejoice that there is nothing when they come here with that disposition. "
"The other day Amalia, Loli's sister, eleven, called me and I found Loli in a state of trance ... I listened to what she said to the vision:" ... They are singing ... "
After the trance was over, I asked her, and she said to me: "Our Lady says that she is going away, because they are singing and in celebration." I left and went to ask: "Is there someone singing around?" - Yes, they answered me; there is a group there that is in pilgrimage. And he does not hear sight, until this group, had gone to their houses by bus. This happened more often. I've been able to see this for five times, at least; and in these five times the impropriety and irreverence of the visitors was always visibly manifest. "
On August 15, 1961, for the first time Garabandal ascended to someone who was to become one of the most qualified witnesses of his history: Don Celestino Ortiz Pérez, doctor of Santander, specialist in Pediatrics
On August 15, 1961, for the first time Garabandal ascended to someone who was to become one of the most qualified witnesses of his history: Don Celestino Ortiz Pérez, doctor of Santander, specialist in Pediatrics.
"... It was during this visit when we met Father Ramón María Andreu, and it was certain that when he learned that I was a doctor, it was very interesting that I should examine the girls."
Let us listen to some more of the girls' accounts of these facts: "The next day, at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Our Lady appeared very smiling, as always, and she told us at four o'clock:" She will come now and tell you Father Luís. "And a little while later he came and called us one by one, but we did not see him, we only heard his voice, his voice was exactly the same when he spoke to us on earth. spoke a little, giving us advice, he also told us something about his brother Father Ramon, and we taught words in French, and prayed in Greek, and he also taught us words in German and in English. for some time, we no longer felt his voice, and spoke only the Virgin who was with us for a certain time and then left. "
There is no doubt that the girls spoke more than once, in their ecstasies, words or phrases in languages that were totally unknown to them. There are testimonies of all solvency. In the French edition of Conchita's diary, this declaration of Father Ramón María Andreu is acknowledged: "Certainly the girls spoke in foreign languages more than once: I heard one recite of the Marie-Marie in Greek. a letter from Conchita, in which she refers in full to several paragraphs, in which she gives account of the things she learned in French, in ecstasy, from my brother "(page 57 of Conchita's diary).
More than once I expressed the opinion that this from words or phrases in foreign languages seems "a game" too useless, and even a little dizzy, to admit it as coming from heaven ... With all due respect to this, I dare to make these observations: Everything that comes from God has a reason for being and a reason; there is always a motive and a purpose behind. It always moves towards us in the form of mystery, which is revealed progressively over time ... according to its designs. I asked myself several times whether this foreign language in Garabandal would not precisely point to the universalistic dimension of its "mystery" ... since its action could never be based only on local or national horizons because as we know it came for all.
Let me, with great joy, see that the first Marian prayer, precisely in Greek, was spoken of by Avé-María. Was it not in this language that was first written? Was it not in that language that the translations went out for all the rest? And the Greek language, the language of the first ecumenical Church, remains the symbol of a very important portion of today's Christians, who must find themselves in the same communion of faith and charity.
However the most surprising was what Conchita wrote to Father Ramón in a letter dated August 2, 1964:
""On the 18th of July, feast of Saint Sebastian of Garabandal, I had a locution (the locutions are one of the mysterious phenomena of communication between God and the soul, which studies Mystical Theology. which God means without words, but with complete clarity and security.) And in this locution he told me that the day after the Miracle, your brother will leave the cemetery, and we will find his body intact. "
Recently, in 1976, the news spread that Father Andreu's remains had been exhumed, like those of many other Jesuits buried in Oñ during the time that the place was the Theological Faculty of the Company. It stopped being it from a certain moment, hence the need to remove all the bodies present in this cemetery; it was said that all the graves had been opened, and "all the corpses were broken" ...
This news, to the dismay of many Garabandalists and to the rejoicing of its opponents, was then taken as a new "proof" against the truth of Garabandal. But there is nothing like knowing how to wait, so that many obscure things will end and become clear. At the end of a year, this letter arrived to me:
My friend, Mr. Cabré, from Barcelona, received a letter from a missionary Father from South America, in which he said that on another day he met Father Alejandro Andreu, brother of the late Father Luis, and asked him about the occurred with the corpse of Father Luis, to which he replied. He told me that in Oña all the corpses had been unearthed and taken to Loyola; who had uncovered all the coffins with the exception of Father Louis, by order of the Provincial of the Jesuits. Thus, they made the transfer of the mortal remains of Father Luis without being informed about his condition; the rest of the Jesuits' bodies were broken up. "
So we can only hope for the day of the future Miracle. On that wonderful day, God will confirm the authenticity of these apparitions through this fact and the Miracle itself, which will be one of the greatest miracles that Jesus did on earth, following His Resurrection.