Garabandal Prophecies: Unveiling the Global Warning and Its Divine Message
The Profecies:
"The Warning that the Virgin will send us is in the form of punishment, to bring the good ones closer to God and to warn others. What the Warning consists of, I cannot reveal. The Virgin asked me to keep it secret. Click on image to know more ...
The Virgin announced a great miracle to me - Conchita trusts her Diary - which God saw through her intercession. As the Punishment will be very great, the Miracle will be very great, just like the world needs. "
If humanity does not convert, both the first official message of Garabandal, and the second, mention a divine punishment for all humanity, of an unknown magnitude in history.
But before the Warning, the Miracle and the probation ... humanity will pass through ...
Talking about communism today seems almost outdated. Is communism no longer a matter of the past? According to what the Blessed Virgin said to the visionaries of Garabandal, the answer is "no". Communism will come again and will cause great pain and suffering.
If you want to receive notifications about the future Miracle and about the Warning
The end of times prophesied at Garabandal
Fátima and Garabandal
What connection is there between your prophecies and messages?

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