"We must pray for the Church to realize how important the Apparitions of St. Sebastian of Garabandal are."
Jacinta's trip to the Vatican
At the end of the year 1975, Jacinta went to Rome. Cardinal Ottaviani received it

During the interview, he said:
- "We must pray for the Church to realize how important the apparitions of St. Sebastian of Garabandal are."
What is mentioned here makes clear the interest aroused in the Vatican by the references that Our Lady of Mount Carmel showed when she appeared in Spain, Marian Nation par excellence and, in other times, an example of the world, since from these lands the evangelization of the new continent, America. On the very day of Jacinta's stay in the Vatican, Cardinal Philippe, who was meeting with some bishops, on hearing of Jacinta's presence, said:
- "I leave them a few minutes, to greet one of the seers of the Apparitions of St. Sebastian Garabandal, Spain."
When he met Jacinta, and after he had spoken to her, he said good-bye to him,
- "I bless you in the Name of the Virgin Mary, I am fully with you".
"In this I understood," says Jacinta, "that he was fully convinced that the Apparitions were of the Virgin Mary: and we exchanged many impressions upon this." All this information I received directly from Jacinta, in a conversation we had in August 1992.