The great tribulation before the "Warning"
To speak of communism today seems almost outdated. Is not communism any longer a thing of the past? According to what the Blessed Virgin said to the visionaries of Garabandal, the answer is "no". Communism will come again and will cause great pain and suffering.

On the two nights preceding the Corpus Christi celebration in 1962, the young visionaries of Garabandal had various visions; but the visions of these nights were different from the ones they usually had. They heard screams of terror, while future events were fulfilled before their eyes. The screams of the girls were so terrible that they shocked the crowd there, causing intense fear. One witness, Manolin Ten, said that these cries were not normal, especially in girls 12 or 13 years of age.
The second night was the worst, when the visionaries saw images of the Punishment that God will send, if the world does not change after the Warning and the Miracle.
This document will only specify what the girls saw on the first of these two nights, which were called "The Shrieking Nights". On the first night, they saw the time to come before the Warning, a time of great suffering for the Church and for the world. Conchita was not present with the other three this first night. But she stormed into her house and fell to her knees with such force that she began to bleed. She saw the same things as the others, and some of the revelations seem to have been given to her as well. Then, in other visions, she would learn more about this particular subject.

According to Garabandal, communism will again be a force that will be used with a final attempt at world domination. On September 29, 1978, Father Francis Benac, S.J., interviewed Mari Loli at his Massachusetts home. Here are some of the questions and answers from this interview.
Father BENAC: Did the Virgin speak of communism?
MARI LOLI: Our Lady spoke often about communism. I do not remember how many times, but she said it would be a time when it would seem that communism would involve the whole world. I think it was when she told us that the priests would have trouble celebrating masses and talking about God and the divine things.
Father BENAC: Did Our Lady speak of people who would be put to death?
LOLI: What Our Lady said was that the priests would have to hide, but I did not see whether they would be killed or not. She did not say exactly if they would be killed, but I'm sure they would be martyred.
Father BENAC: Your mother told me that one night you were upstairs with your father, and that you cried for an hour. Then your father said something about it: "I saw something very touching." Loli was crying as she said, "Oh, will people suffer like this? Should people suffer this way? Oh, how it makes me suffer! "Do you remember what I said at the moment?
LOLI: It was related to communism and what was to happen in the Church and to the people, because all these things were the repercussion among the people. When the Church suffers confusion, people will suffer as well. Some priests who are Communists will create such confusion that people will not know what is right and what is wrong.
This last statement of Mari Loli should cause us admiration. It seems that little consideration has been given to the possibility that a force of evil has deliberately infiltrated the Church with the intention of destroying it. The other day, I was talking to Harry Daley, author of "The Miracle in Garabandal." Harry was a good friend of Father Walter Ciszek, S.J., who spent 15 years in Soviet prisons and labor camps in Siberia, and lived to say all this in his book "With God in Russia." Harry visited Father Ciszek (who believes in Garabandal) and on one of his visits, Father explained to him how the Communists tried to recruit him, promising him all kinds of benefits, if he worked as their agent in the Church.

Without any force capable of stopping this persecution, God will intervene. Jacinta told Ramon Perez and Jacques Serre in 1979: "These difficult events will occur before the Warning, because the Warning will only occur when the situation is at its worst."
This is confirmed by Father Brennan's article: "But then, as if to fulfill what Jesus said," unless those days were abbreviated, no one would survive, "there will be a direct, fascinating, and terrible divine intervention that will completely reverse the course of world events "
There was another question that was asked of Mari Loli:
Question: If you can not tell the exact year of the Warning, perhaps you could say roughly when it will happen.
Mari Loli: Yes, it will be at the time when the world most needs it.
Question: What is this? "
Mari Loli: When Russia suddenly surpasses and is part of the free world. God does not want this to happen so quickly. In any case, the Warning will come, when you see that the Holy Mass can not be celebrated freely in any place; will be when the world will need the intervention of God.
This prophecy is a charism of the papacy, as we read in Pius IX: "There will come a great sign that will fill the world with astonishment. But it will only occur after the triumph of a revolution during which the Church will have to undergo tests that are beyond description ".
We do not know when this will happen, but Albrecht Weber's book contains this statement attributed to Conchita: "The pope will go to Russia, to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the Vatican, hostilities will explode in different parts of Europe."
(The source of this information was also questioned. Mr. Weber replied, "Conchita told me this in a long conversation at her house on November 14, 1965.
A world-wide communist rule led by Russia will seem to take place amidst this frightening aggression that will culminate in the persecution of the Church. The priests will have to hide, the churches will be sealed and it will become very difficult for the faithful to practice their religion. It will seem that the Church will have disappeared. The duration of this persecution is not known, but will require an act of God, the Warning, to stop it.
To close on a positive note, we again quote Father Brennan in his 1983 article: "As a result of all this, there will be a return to God, which will ease the apostasy, and thus, as Our Lady said at Fatima," a era of peace will come to mankind. "This will be a peace just as the world has never known.
"When communism returns, then everything will happen."
Quote from Conchita in the German book by Albrecht Weber
"What do you mean come again?
"Yes, when he comes again."
"You mean before that communism will disappear first before that happens?" Note: It must be borne in mind that by the time the book was published, communism was still very much alive in many European countries.
"I do not know, Our Lady simply said
"... when communism comes again."

Their faces at the moment of the visions testify to the trauma experienced by Jacinta, Mari Loli, and Mari Cruz during the first night of the cries. Maria Loli seems to have been the first to speak about it in 1967 when she gave information to a Mexican priest, Father Gustavo Morelos. Three years later, the same information, in the possession of Maria Saraco, was written and confirmed by Mari Loli with her own signature. The information that was transmitted was as follows:
"While we continued to see the Virgin (during the first night of the cries), we saw a great multitude of people who were suffering intensely and shouted in terror. The Blessed Mother explained to us that this great tribulation, which was not the Punishment (the Church) would suffer terrible suffering.We asked the Virgin what is this great suffering and she told us that it was "communism" .
This first revelation about communism would be explained later by the seers. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and with the freedom of the countries of the Eastern Bloc that took place in the following years, we got the idea that communism was over. And that's what the media do. However, not everyone is convinced. A few years ago, in Canada, I spoke to a priest from an Eastern European country who lived under Communist rule. He told me that Americans are too naive to think that communism is dead; in their industry today, the same people who were in power during the communist regime are still in the present times. Another person from a country other than Eastern Europe expressed the same sentiments. Communism today is infiltrated in the form of a cultural revolution, even in the Church, through the theory of liberation that seeks to withdraw the Divinity of Christ through relativism.

What geographical areas will live this communist persecution? Some references were made specifically to Spain. On February 23, 1943, Sister Lúcia of Fatima, who spent 21 years in Spain in Tuy and Pontevedra, sent a document to Bishop Antonio Garcia de Tuy-Vigo, which reads: "If the bishops of Spain listen to the the desires that have already been manifested by Our Lord, and to begin a real reform of the people and the clergy, then everything will go well, otherwise it (Russia) will again be the enemy for which God will punish again. "
And Conchita said communism will return to Spain, but she said she will suffer less than other areas of Europe, because of the persecution she had endured during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), where 13 bishops and more than 7,000 priests and religious were sent to death.
Conchita: "We asked the Virgin what this suffering was and she told us it was" communism ".
Was the persecution only in Europe?
When questioned about this, Loli replied that the way she saw it, thought it would be more than that. Conchita's aunt, Antonia, said she heard the seers say in ecstasy that "if we do not change our ways, Russia will take over the whole world." If this is the case, then persecution will be everywhere, beyond the confines of Europe.
This great suffering has been mentioned in the writings of saints, popes and blessed as summarized by Father Joseph Brennan, O.C.S. , in his article "The Prophecy of Our Time," which appeared in a May 1983 issue of a magazine: "Christianity will go through a severe test, and there will be many purifications, such confusion will reign until it seems that Christendom has almost disappeared."
"When the Pope visits Russia ...."
The book by Albrecht Weber, a German writer who interviewed Conchita on November 13, 1965, contains this testimony attributed to Conchita

This quote helps us understand the moment when everything will truly begin to happen, giving rise to a persecution, invasion or revolution, of communist or anarchist nature. God, to avoid this advance, will bear fruit of His Mercy with the "Warning." We remind everyone that Mari-Loli said in an interview that the Warning will only happen when things are at their worst! To better understand and understand this whole chronology, analyze the end-time scheme outlined above.
(The source of this information was also questioned.) Mr. Weber replied by letter confirming the following: "Conchita told me this in a long conversation at her home on November 14, 1965.
A Schism before the Warning?
According to several interviews that were made both to the visionaries and to people who were close to these events the following was said:

Concerning the Warning, and before it happens (The Warning), the situation in the Church will be very bad, to the point that an event will occur, which will be painful and devastating. In fact, Serafim, the elder brother of Conchita Gonzalez said that he heard his sister Conchita (one of the four seers) during a bliss, to announce that the Warning would come after a painful tear of the Church, "a kind of schism." Thus, the Warning that will come, will be associated with a painful mystery that the Church will cross ..
- Likewise, Mari-Loli, one of the four girls of Garabandal, also said that at that time "that the Pope could not be in Rome openly .... that they would persecute him and that he would have to hide ...." . And this would occur before the Warning.
- On the other hand, it is known that in the future Miracle of Garabandal, the "Pope will see the Miracle wherever he is", which may indicate that he will not be in the Vatican at that time.